5 Reasons to Shop Local Business

Small business Saturday is November 26, 2022. Make sure to support your community by shopping local.

1.      Stimulate local economics

Shop local keeps your money in the community. Most Americans shop at large chain stores because they believe they have the best deals. There are many reasons shopping locally is suitable for your wallet and your community. Tax revenue made through sale taxes from local business support the local government. If you invest in big chains elsewhere, the local communities will not reap the benefits.

2.      Reduce carbon footprint

Making local purchases requires less transportation. Less transportation equals less pollution and congestion. Reducing automobile use results in better air quality. Local businesses also encourage walking, cycling, or other forms of transportation.

3.      Create more jobs

In 2019 the Small Business Administration stated, “those small businesses added 1.8 million net new jobs in the United States during the last year studied. The United States has 30.7 million small businesses, and they employ 47.3 percent of the private workforce.” The local small business opens up employment opportunities to people locally who may not want to be employed by a big chain business. Sometimes these jobs provide better wages and benefits than large retailers.

4.      Give back to local community

Local businesses benefit from a strong community. Therefore, the owners tend to engage more in the community themselves. Small businesses donate 250% more than large businesses to local nonprofits and community causes. With this comes better relationships with customers and other business owners.

5.      Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship fuels America’s economic innovation and prosperity. Also, entrepreneurship allows families to move out of low-wage jobs and into the middle class. By supporting local businesses, you also support their dreams and entrepreneurial spirit. It’s away essential to support the ideas and dreams of others.


**Please keep in mind Mackenzie is not an expert and these are suggestions based on research. Please take the suggestions with a grain of salt and to your own discretion.**


-By Mackenzie Bennett, Dreissig Apparel Inc. Fashion Merchandising Intern



Lustberg, Joseph. “Council Post: 7 Reasons to Shop Local and Support Small Businesses.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 29 June 2022, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2022/06/28/7-reasons-to-shop-local-and-support-small-businesses/?sh=570144eb50d1.

Silva, Julia. “10 Reasons Why You Should Support Your Local Small Business.” AnyPromo Blog, 23 Oct. 2019, https://blog.anypromo.com/10-reasons-support-local-small-business/?calltrk=1&glppc=2&utm_term=&utm_campaign=dsa&utm_source=google_ads&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=1499870606&hsa_cam=350439894&hsa_grp=35521975660&hsa_ad=338464018069&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=dsa-19959388920&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=Cj0KCQjwhY-aBhCUARIsALNIC05IsoD6iZfgcVc0_E1_L5whyLxErb7NIGtFwFTpL31PZ9LBlYhNK4IaAi5oEALw_wcB.

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